Webb Yates Engineers — Decarbonising your building with Cactus


Decarbonising your building with Cactus

We recently made public our in-house parametric carbon modelling tool, Cactus. In this article, we take an example office building and demonstrate how the tool can be used to quickly slash the embodied carbon.


Dan Cole

Free to use, Cactus employs Grasshopper and ShapeDiver to let you play around with different grid sizes, materials, loads and more and calculate the embodied carbon of the building in real time.

We have released this stripped back version of the tool in the spirit of collaborative sustainable design. However, it’s still in the early stages of development and continues to evolve. If you have any questions or feedback, then please get in touch at support.studio@webbyates.com.

Explore Cactus

Let’s start with a typical four-story office building. We’ll begin with a steel composite frame on a 7.5m grid, business as usual as far this typology goes. With piled foundations, the embodied carbon is 231 kgCO₂e/m² with a 52% / 48% split between the superstructure and substructure, which is easy to deduct on the displayed graphs.

Webb Yates Engineers — Decarbonising your building with Cactus

The biggest impact to carbon is probably going to be material choices, so let’s investigate this. By swapping out the concrete slab on metal decking with CLT we’ve instantly cut out 22% of the carbon from the frame. Better yet, we’ve reduced the of the superstructure meaning that we’ve also got a carbon reduction of 21% in the piles. Tackling the framing next, swapping out to glulam rather than steel means we take out another 31 kgCO₂e/m², although the structural depth has increased – more on that later. We’re now hitting a SCORS (Structural Carbon Rating System) rating of B, this is pretty good but we should be able to push it further.

Webb Yates Engineers — Decarbonising your building with Cactus

A 7.5m grid is unlikely to be optimal, but we can quickly check this. By adjusting the sliders, we can vary the primary and secondary grid spacing. We can see that by reducing the grid size to 6m results in both reduced embodied carbon and structural depth.

I promised we’d come back to structural depth. At the moment, the timer beams are 760mm deep which, depending on how generous the floor to floor dimensions is, could impact the clear height. The default behaviour of Cactus is to choose the lowest weight sections that work for the parameter set by the users. This is helpful for choosing efficient solutions however, it often means it favours a deeper section over a slightly heavier shallower section. Fortunately, we can change this by moving the “optimise” slider to the left to “Depth” to search for a shallower option. In this instance, a 520mm deep timber also works with a negligible uplift in carbon due to the low carbon nature of the timber.

The final tally of our optimised solution is 144 kgCO₂e/m² which is just 60% of the carbon figure we started with for the exact same building. What’s better is that it didn’t take an afternoon of design calculations to get there. With just a few clicks act a time we were able to see in real time the impact of our changes.

Webb Yates Engineers — Decarbonising your building with Cactus
Webb Yates Engineers — Decarbonising your building with Cactus

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